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Key Battles in American History - from Trenton to Pearl Harbor

Key Battles in American History: From Trenton to Pearl Harbor
by Jacob Malewitz

Ages of Sword
by Dark Factions

An article that focuses on key battles in American history. Each battle has its own history, and deserves to be remembered for the results that occurred for the United States.

At the battle of Trenton, George Washington sneak attacked a few regiments of German mercenaries.
Yorktown effectively ended the Revolutionary war.
The battle of Gettysburg was Robert E. Lee’s greatest blunder

DID: The American aircraft carriers weren’t at Pearl Harbor when the Japanese attacked, which spared the US navy tragic losses and was a key point early in the war.

American history is full of victories, defeats, and great generals. From the revolutionary war and heroes like George Washington, to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States has seen both good and bad in war.

The revolutionary war is important because it won independence for America. The Civil War freed the slaves, united the union, and led to new ways of making war across the world. The Second World War led to the United States and Russia becoming the chief powers in the world. This article highlights key moments in the history of the republic.

Trenton – The Army of the Republic was on the ropes against King George’s army of red coats (British regulars). A series of defeats across the state of New York had cost George Washington a lot of men, and many thought the war would be lost. George Washington devised a careful strategy to save the republic from losing the war. The Hessians thought an attack around Christmas was doubtful, which is what George Washington expected. His troops crossed the Delaware River and defeated the Hessians, most of whom were sleeping when the battle started, and changed the scope of the Revolutionary War.

Yorktown – This was the last major battle of the Revolutionary War, occurring in 1781 (according to Wikipedia). It was more a siege than an actual battle, as the British were holed up behind defenses. The war might not have ended had the French navy not cut the British army off from its supplies (after a rare event, a victory of the French navy over the British). It effectively ended the war and made George Washington a legend to this day.

Gettysburg – This battle was a huge defeat for Confederate general Robert E. Lee. It turned the tide for the Union the way Trenton changed the Revolutionary war. It proved the Union could defeat the Confederate army. The Union had been on the losing side of almost every battle up to Gettysburg (except in the West under General Grant). Lee’s failure was in sending his men against the pitched defenses of the Union army.

Pearl Harbor – The Battle of Pearl Harbor is the only loss in this article for the regular United States army. This battle is key because it made the country a part of perhaps the greatest war of the 20th century, the Second World War. Japanese bombers attacked the American naval base at Hawaii, sinking many ships. What mattered though, was the American aircraft carrier – the most important part of any navy – weren’t at Pearl Harbor. It would take a few years for the States to gain ground in the Far East against Japanese forces, but it would end up in an eventual victory.


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